Book Tags, Bookworm Blogging

The Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag 2020

Well, it’s certainly been a wild year already, so it’s a good a time to post this as any. As with last year, I’m only going to let myself use ONE book for each answer to keep things spicy, and I’m not allowed to reuse answers.

Best book you’ve read so far

In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado, which absolutely destroyed me.

Best sequel so far

I’ve read almost entirely standalones this year, but I’d have to say The Adventure Zone: Murder on the Rockport Limited was probably the best of the [checks notes] 3 sequels I’ve read so far this year.

New release you haven’t read but want to

For this, I’m including only those already published (because of the below question) and I’m gonna go with Exciting Times.

Most anticipated release in the second half of 2019

Okay, this one was HARD but I have to go with Survivor Song because, a) I like Paul Tremblay, b) this is set in Massachusetts, and c) it features a rabies-like virus and I have a rabies PHOBIA so I am basically guaranteed to love and/or be forever scarred by this.

Biggest disappointment

I found Frankissstein to be transphobic garbage and a pretty bad reading experience.

Biggest surprise

I did think I’d enjoy The Body Lies, but I had no idea how much it would blow me away.

Favorite new author

Oof, I was torn on this one but ultimately chose Kate Elizabeth Russell because not only did I love her debut, but I also really love her as a person on social media.

Newest favorite character

[heavy breathing] DECLAN LYNCH. Maybe Jordan. Definitely one of them.

A book that made you cry

Kept Animals devastated me.

A book that made you happy

I don’t reaaally read happy books, but Rafe was a fun romance.

Favorite book to movie adaptation

I’ve only seen film adaptations that I dislike so far this year, so I’ll go with Season 2 of Castle Rock instead!

Favorite review

I haven’t particularly enjoyed any of my reviews so far this year, but I’ll go with Mr. Mercedes because who doesn’t love a rant review?

Most beautiful book bought/received

Okay I’m going to break my own rule and say the Call Down the Hawk cover I posted above. I preordered a UK edition because I HATED the US cover and think this one is pretty dang nice.

Books you need to read by the end of the year

2020 is a trainwreck, so I’ll just put the Women’s Prize Squad books I need to read.

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Book Tags, Not Books, Personal

The Sunshine Blogger Award IV

I was nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Meeghan last month! Meeghan runs such a fun blog, I highly recommend you follow her!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated them and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated them.
  • Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  • Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.

Meeghan’s Questions:

  1. What is your favourite book you’ve read so far this year, and why?
    • Probably in part because it’s fresh in my mind, but I’d have to say Full Throttle!
  2. What is your favourite book to movie adaptation?
    • Jurassic Park, hands down!
  3. Which fictional character do you think would be the most boring to meet in real life?
  4. What is one thing you do to unwind?
    • As of late, watch The Great British Baking Show!
  5. If you could pick any author to write fanfiction for Harry Potter, who would you pick?
    • I think Maggie Stiefvater would write some interesting HP fanfic!
  6. What’s the best book title you’ve ever heard of?
  7. Who is your OTP?
    • Ugh probably Blue/Gansey, I’m hopeless.
  8. If you could control one element (earth, air, fire or water), which would you choose?
    • Water! I’m a big pisces, okay?
  9. Who is your favourite fictional animal? (i.e., not just dragons, but Kozu from The Last Namsara)
  10. What is your favourite way to treat yourself?
    • Donuts or cake, hehe.
  11. If you were stranded on a desert island that mysteriously had a magical bookshelf (as per above):
    • what genre would it refill itself with, and
      • Hmm, probably YA contemporary, because I’d want some cute stuff while stranded and presumably very sad?
    • what other three things would you take with you?
      • First aid kit, military stove, blanket???

My questions:

  1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  2. What motivates you?
  3. What’s the worst movie you’ve watched so far this year?
  4. 2020 release you’re most excited about reading?
  5. What’s your proudest accomplishment?
  6. What did you want to be as a kid?
  7. Least favorite food?
  8. What’s your least favorite kind of weather?
  9. Favorite book you read in school?
  10. Who is your hero?
  11. Are you a peppermint person?


  1. Karissa
  2. Pauliina
  3. Charlotte
  4. Naty
  5. Meaghan
  6. Diana
  7. Emily
  8. Destiny
  9. Callum
  10. Bec
  11. Portia

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Book Tags, Not Books, Personal

The Sunshine Blogger Award #3

I was nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Destiny aaaall the way back in June, and I’m finally getting around to it! Definitely check out Destiny’s blog if you haven’t already, she is consistently posting great content!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated them and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated them.
  • Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  • Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.

Destiny’s Questions:

  1. What was the last book you strongly disliked?
    • Rebel Girls, which is a bummer because it had such potential!
  2. How does your star rating system work for your reviews (if you use one)?
    • 5: Loved it
    • 4: Really liked it
    • 3: Liked it
    • 2: Didn’t like it
    • 1: Hated it
    • Pretty simple!
  3. What are your favorite pizza toppings?
    • Hmm, I’d say probably just pepperoni! Classic, and delicious. 🙂 I’ll fw most pizza toppings though, haha.
  4. Would you rather read a great plot with mediocre characters, or a boring plot with amazing characters?
    • This is a great Q! I’d have to say a boring plot with amazing characters, for sure.
  5. How many books are you currently reading, and which one is your favorite so far?
  6. What was the last book review you posted?
  7. Do you prefer MG, YA, NA, or adult books?
    • I would say right now I prefer adult, but I enjoy everything except MG (with exceptions!).
  8. Is there a popular author you’re NOT interested in reading anything by? (Elaborate if you’re comfortable doing so!)
    • Yes! I’m having trouble remembering off the top of my head, but I know there’s at least one.
  9. What marginalized rep would you most strongly like to see more of in books?
    • Selfishly, bi polyamory! For a group I’m not a part of, I’d have to say qpoc.
  10. Do you listen to music while reading?
    • Never!! I absolutely cannot focus, and it would have to be instrumental and match the tone perfectly for me to be able to.
  11. Do you prefer book twitter or bookstagram?
    • Book twitter! I feel like it’s easier to interact with and I honestly just always forget about bookstagram, eep.

My questions:

  1. Do you listen to any podcasts? If so, what are your favorites?
  2. Do you genre hop when you read or do you tend to stick to the same genres?
  3. What’s the best movie you’ve watched so far this year?
  4. 2019 release you’re most excited about reading?
  5. What’s your favorite way to treat yourself?
  6. Describe your ideal home in as much or as little detail as you’d like!
  7. Favorite snack?
  8. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
  9. Favorite book you read as a child?
  10. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
  11. Are you a pumpkin person?


  1. Kal
  2. Emily
  3. Callum
  4. Jenna
  5. Hannah
  6. Wendy
  7. Leelynn
  8. Rachel
  9. Naty
  10. Bec
  11. Kelly

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Book Tags, Bookworm Blogging

The Mid-Year Book Freak-Out Tag 2019

I’m getting this done a bit later than anticipated, but that’s ok. I’ve made it through 41 books so far this year, a decent amount of which have been backlist reads. I’m only going to let myself use ONE book for each answer to keep things spicy, and I’m not allowed to reuse answers.

Best book you’ve read so far

Normal People, thanks to the Women’s Prize & Sally Rooney!

Best sequel so far

Squire by Tamora Pierce!

New release you haven’t read but want to

There are loads, but the most anticipated I have yet to read (that has already been published) is The Wise and the Wicked by Rebecca Podos!

Most anticipated release in the second half of 2019

This was tough, but I probably have to go with the upcoming Joe Hill short story collection!

Biggest disappointment

Thankfully I’ve been pretty blessed as far as reading goes this year, but I’ll have to go with An American Marriage for this.

Biggest surprise

Probably If, Then which I did expect to enjoy, just not as much as I did!

Favorite new author

Becky Chambers! After The Long Way, I’m excited to read more of her work.

Newest fictional crush

To quote Rachel, pass pls.

Newest favorite character

Probably Henry or Alex from RW&RB!

A book that made you cry

I’ll Be Gone in the Dark. Oof.

A book that made you happy

I don’t read many happy books oops. We’ll go with Merry Inkmas.

Favorite book to movie adaptation

I haven’t actually watched any this year??

Favorite review

Probably in part due to recency bias, I’ll pick Evicted.

Most beautiful book bought/received

Probably the copy of Waking Gods I bought last weekend.

Books you need to read by the end of the year

The list pretty much never ends!

Book Awards, Book Tags

Bloggers Recognition Award

Anna @ Reads Rainbow very kindly tagged me in this! Reads Rainbow is a really lovely collaborative blog that focuses on lgtbqiap+ books, particularly ownvoices ones and I definitely recommend it! They’ve started doing plenty of author interviews as well. 🙂

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

This blog started really just as a way for me to share my thoughts on books. As I expanded my social circle and really became part of the community, I began doing tags and other things as well. I wish there was a more fun story to it! I’ve really loved reading forever and love that blogging makes me more engaged with books.

The first piece of advice I’d give is to not get too bogged down in your scheduling. Of course, I love blogging consistently when I can, but I try not to get too down on myself when I don’t. And the content I make when I don’t is just better!

My second piece of advice is to get to know other bloggers. Not only will you grow your followers, but you will also become inspired by their blogs and build some really lovely friendships with some really lovely people!

Today is another day where I don’t feel like tagging loads of people, so I’ll say I tag you if you’d like to do it! Link back in the comments if you do. 🙂

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Book Tags, Bookworm Blogging

The “I Should Have Read That Book” Tag

Shouts to Ally for tagging me in this! Please check out her blog, she has a lot of good posts. 🙂 I am one of the biggest perpetrators of “I should have” or “I’ve been meaning to” when it comes to books, so I love this.


  • Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post
  • Link to the creator’s blog ( in your post
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag 10 others to take part

A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read.
My sister keeps telling me to read Where You’ll Find Me and she has a copy annnnd we live together so I have no excuse as to why it’s taken me so long.

A book that’s been on your TBR forever and yet you still haven’t picked it up.
Bad Feminist is literally the book that’s been on my TBR the longest, and I haven’t read it because I want to buy a copy but at this point I should just use the library, ha.

A book in a series you’ve started, but haven’t gotten around to finishing yet.
I loooved Sleeping Giants, so I really needed to get to Waking Gods.

A classic you’ve always liked the sound of, but never actually read.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier!

A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read.
Throne of Glass, I feel like it’s such a popular series and I haven’t read any of them!

A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but you just haven’t read it yet.
I really enjoyed The Shining film but I haven’t read the book yet!

A book you see all over Instagram [Twitter] but haven’t picked up yet.
These Witches Don’t Burn has been everywhere lately and I wanna read it so bad but haven’t yet!

I just tagged a ton of people the other day, so I tag anyone who would like to do this!

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Book Awards, Book Tags

Mystery Blogger Award

Meeghan was kind enough to nominate me for the Mystery Blogger Award. Go check out her blog, she has some great posts!

What’s the Mystery Blogger Award?

“It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”

Okoto enigma


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Answer the 5 questions you were asked
  6. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  7. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  8. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  10. Share a link to your best post(s)


  1. If you had to describe yourself in three characters, which ones would they be?
    Ooooh, that’s a tough one… Probably Lucy from The Pisces, Daine from The Immortals series, and umm I’m blanking on a third!
  2. What’s one of your fave songs? (and share the clip if it’s got one!)
    Right now one of my favs is Rich Life by Eric Nally!
  3. What’s your go-to book recommendation?
    House of Leaves!
    But with the caveat that it’s somewhat intense and definitely a commitment. I’ve also been recommending Ask Me About My Uterus incessantly since I read it.
  4. List three things you are either grateful for, or that you like about yourself.
    I like my eyes, my makeup skills, and my sense of humor! 🙂
  5. [Bonus/funny question] If you could take any animal and make it the size of another animal, what would you choose, and why?
    Omg I want a snow leopard the size of a housecat so I can have it as a pet but also not get mauled!

About Me

  1. I’d eventually like to move to the southern US (I hate winter!).
  2. At one point I had four (4) cats living together under one roof.
  3. I used to be an avid horseback rider.


  1. Ally
  2. Hannah
  3. Destiny
  4. Wendy
  5. Rachel
  6. Callum
  7. Emily
  8. Naty
  9. Becky
  10. Hannah

My Questions

  1. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently?
  2. How often do you make music playlists?
  3. What’s the last book you were gifted?
  4. What are you looking forward to right now?
  5. [weird question] If you could switch places with one actor in any scene in any movie/TV show, which would it be?

Best Blog Posts

Here are just some of my recent favs! 🙂

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Book Tags, Not Books

Versatile Blogger Award

Last month I was tagged by Becky @ Strikeouts + Sprinkles to do the Versatile Blogger Award! Definitely check out Becky’s blog, she’s fun to follow. 🙂

Award Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Link to the blog of the person who nominated you.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 more bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Seven Facts About Me:

  1. I’m surprisingly restrained when it comes to buying books, I try to keep myself from buying them unless I’m almost certain I’ll love the book or have already read it and want my own copy.
  2. My favorite movie is Jurassic Park.
  3. I’m allergic to cats but intend to own at least 5 when I have my own place (I’m not so allergic that I can’t live with them).
  4. My hair is rarely not dyed; I’ve been dyeing it on and off since I was ~12.
  5. I love cephalopods so much that I have an aquarium membership so I can go see my babies whenever I want to.
  6. I own a longboard even though I’m not great at longboarding and am terrible at getting myself out to practice.
  7. I’d like to move to Austin, TX at some point!

My Nominations:

  1. Hannah
  2. Destiny
  3. Emily
  4. Avery
  5. Rachel
  6. Lindsay
  7. Callum
  8. Kristin
  9. Ally
  10. Kaleena
  11. Sara
  12. Meeghan
  13. Cerys
  14. Christopher
  15. Shalini

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Book Tags, Bookworm Blogging

A to Z Book Tag

Destiny tagged me in this a few months ago and I’m fiiiinally following through. It was started over at The Perpetual Page-Turner.

a. Author you’ve read the most books from.
Lemony Snicket, I read the entire A Series of Unfortunate Event series, plus one or two others.

b. Best sequel ever.
Right now I have to say Squire by Tamora Pierce, I read it recently and looved it.

c. Currently reading.
Lost Children Archive and Dust.

d. Drink of choice while reading.
I usually don’t drink anything while reading at home, but a drip coffee or a vanilla latte if I’m at a coffee shop! Occasionally I’ll sip a cider or cocktail while reading if I’m out waiting for someone at dinner or a bar.

e. E-reader or physical book?
I really have to say both! I read so much more on the go because of ebooks, but I do tend to prefer physical books.

f. Fictional character you would’ve dated in high school.
Alex, the brother’s best friend, from Girl Made of Stars. He was so sweet and absolutely the kind of guy I would’ve dated in high school.

g. Glad you gave this book a chance.
Recency bias here, but Ordinary People! Like I said in my review, it’s not something I would have read on my own but I did end up enjoying it.

h. Hidden gem book.
I recently did an entire post on this!

i. Important moment in your reading life.
Honestly, starting The Pisces felt really important because I just knew right away that the book would be so, so meaningful to me.

j. Just finished.
I just finished Praise Song for the Butterflies, one of my Women’s Prize reads.

k. Kind of books you won’t read.
There’s not much I absolutely won’t read, but I typically avoid books about food, just because they don’t interest me much.

l. Longest book you’ve read.
According to Goodreads, it’s A Storm of Swords!

m. Major book hangover because of…
Umm, I don’t get book hangovers very often, so I don’t remember!

n. Number of bookcases you own.
Technically 1, but I have a couple more DIY ones set up, ha!

o. One book you’ve read multiple times.
Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce!

p. Preferred place to read.
Either propped up in my bed or on the couch! I wish I had a nice armchair to sit in, though.

q. Quote that inspires you/gave you all the feels from a book.
UGH, the Editor’s Note in I’ll Be Gone in the Dark that announces Michelle McNamara’s death tore through me.

r. Reading regret:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, always.

s. Series you’ve started and need to finish (all books are out).
Most pressing right now are the Themis Files and the Protector of the Small series.

t. Three of your all-time favorite books.
House of Leaves, Annihilation, and The Pisces.

u. Unapologetic fangirl for…
Tamora Pierce! ❤ u ❤

v. Very excited for this release.
The Exile’s Gift by Tamora Pierce. Ha, see above.

w. Worst bookish habits.
Returning library books late, having a TBR waaay too long, and stressing myself out about numbers and what I “should” be reading.

x. X marks the spot! Start at the top of your bookshelf and pick the 27th book.
The Artist’s Way! I still have never been all the way through this, oops.

y. Your latest book purchase.
A Field Guide for Science Writers, which I got when I thought I might want to be a science writer.

z. Zzz-snatcher, the last book that kept you up way too late.
Umm, I don’t remember! I don’t read much before bed anymore, specifically for this reason.

I tag anyone who wants to do this! I’m too sleepy to make a list. 🙂

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Book Tags, Bookworm Blogging

Spring Cleaning [book tag]

Charlotte was kind enough to tag me in the Spring Cleaning Book Tag! I love spring cleaning, and I love books, so hopefully I also love this tag. 🙂


I’m stealing Charlotte’s answer here, because it was the first thing to come to mind: The Wheel of TIme series! I’ve been meaning to read it for literal years but am too intimidated by its length to start.


This one is more difficult, as I’ve been a lot better about immediately unhauling books I no longer want on my shelves. I did unhaul Future Sex recentlyish because it was sent to me unsolicited and after skimming the book and the reviews, I wasn’t interested.


This is corny as hell, but I found Merry Inkmas refreshing because I was super depressed when I read it and needed something light-hearted and cute!


This is a little difficult, as I’m struggling to remember any specifically bad scenes. I guess I’d rewrite one of the scenes in I Kill Giants, just to remove the homophobic slur.


Honestly, both of the sequels to The Butterfly Garden were pretty unnecessary. With a fourth on the way.


I thought It Devours! ended on a clean, realistic note so I guess I’d choose that.


One of the faults of Sex at Dawn was that it was so aimed at giving you one message, that it had no issues with tearing others down. I felt a little more balance would’ve been nice.


It took me years to get through The Raven Cycle, but I just adore it!

I tag Hannah @ I have thoughts on books, Destiny @ howling libraries, Rachel @ pace, amore, libri, Callum @ Callum McLaughlin, and Ally @ Ally Writes Things. (But only if y’all want to do it!)

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